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Welcome to the Sylvan Lake Figure Skating Club 



What is required for equipment?


Sturdy sharp skates, CSA approved helmets, gloves and warm clothes. It is best to dress in layers with a sweater and jacket 




What is Teen Skate?

Whether new to skating or continuing a life-long passion, Skate Canada welcomes athletes of all ages to participate in our programs. Teen & Adult Skate is a dynamic skating program that focuses on fun, participation and basic skill development. Skaters may be beginners, want to learn about figure skating or want to work on power skating skills. This is a diverse program taught by a professional coach in a self-directed format. 


Who’s it for?

Teen/Adult Skate is a learn-to-skate program specifically for our participants aged 13 and up who are either new to ice skating or want to refresh their skills. It is great for those wishing to improve their basic skills whether their focus be for figure skating, hockey, speed skating, skating just for fun, or trying to keep up with your own kids.


Who teaches it?

NCCP-trained professional coaches, assisted by trained program assistants.


What will you learn?

Curriculum and delivery methods that guarantee skater success in developing stronger basic skills.