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Welcome to the Sylvan Lake Figure Skating Club 

All programs are subject to an annual Skate Canada membership fee of $61.65.  Membership is valid from September 1st to August 31st.


Pre StarSkate Program 

Dates Day Time Fee
October - March  Tuesdays  6:45 - 7:45 PM


  Thursdays 6:15- 7:00 PM  

Tuesday's session includes a stroking program built into it exclusively for the PreStar program

* Extra Ice for private lessons can be purchased for $100 for the season. This will include the STARSkate ice times for the day your skaters lesson is. Lessons are paid for in addition to the fee and are billed directly from the coaches *

$20 Carnival fee for the group performance is included in the registration fee


Skaters who move up throughout the season from CanSkate will receive a prorated fee based on when they move up

What is Pre- StarSkate program?

The PreStar program is an introduction program designed to teach the basic skills of figure skating while bridging the gap between the CanSkate and STARSkate programs for those skaters wishing to pursue figure skating.

To participate in this program, skaters must have completed CanSkate badge 3 or have been invited by a SLFSC coach.


Fundraising required for PreStar

Each family is required to work (2) bingo's per skating season (Sept 1-March 31).  We do require 2x $300 fundraising cheques, these cheques will be returned to you once your volunteer requirements have been completed.  Skaters will not be permitted on the ice until cheques have been received. Failure to work volunteer shifts will result in fundraising cheque being cashed.

**If your skater is purchasing extra ice for private lessons, you will be required to work an additional (1) bingo**

To see available bingos click on the Fundraising tab or here.